Wholesaling CEOs: How To Handle All The Extra Free Time
While unfathomable for some real estate investors and wholesaling CEOs, the biggest complaint of one investor on a popular real estate forum recently was having too much time on their hands. So what do you do with all that extra time, once you start seeing the benefits of wholesaling houses?
Clearly most would see this as a great problem to have, yet is not uncommon for real estate wholesalers to face. Once you put a great system for wholesaling houses into play and get in a good rhythm you may well find that you have more time on your hands than you ever thought possible, and sooner or later you’ll find you can only play so much golf, and shopping at the mall all day becomes a less than fulfilling grind.
So what do you do once you kick the 9-5 to the curb and are free from the rat race?
Once your money making wholesaling houses machine is well oiled and on auto pilot wholesaling CEOs should absolutely take time out to relax, spend priceless quality time with friends and family, and even travel to experience all of the world and to find new inspiration.
Of course, just because wholesaling CEOs have lots of time on their hands doesn’t mean that there isn’t plenty else for them to do. There are endless individuals and causes out there that need help, support and the hands of volunteers. In fact, many might just find this far more rewarding than any of the millions of dollars they pull in from wholesaling houses.
If rolling up your sleeves and serving at the local soup kitchen or pitching in to put up Habitat homes isn’t your thing, what about helping others benefit from real estate; whether private lenders, birddogs or others.
There are also many other ways to diversify into real estate investing too, from rentals to private lending to spec building, land, commercial real estate, affordable housing and more. Much of it can both help increase your wholesaling profits as well as the local community.
Though is what you are doing is working so well, why not do more wholesaling? The sky is really the limit and this is the perfect time to go big. Branch out into other areas, states and even countries. Even if you don’t need the money, do it to fulfill your full potential, test your potential and to give back by starting your own philanthropy initiatives like Bill Gates.
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