How to Work With Different Personality Types

People like people like themselves. And in this business, you need to be a chameleon if you want to connect with people and build rapport. So in this episode I am looking at working with different personality types. I hope it helps! RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ My Free Book on Wholesaling – Flip2Freedom Podcast

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The Importance of Google Adwords in Your Wholesale Business

I have been saying for quite a while that if you aren’t using google adwords in your wholesale business then you are not taking advantage of the best marketing method today. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ My Free Book on Wholesaling – Flip2Freedom Podcast on Apple – Flip2Freedom Podcast on Spotify – FreedomLogic-

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Are You a One-Man Show?

Join me LIVE to Discover How to Transform Your Wholesaling Houses SIDE-HUSTLE into an Automated $100,000 a Month Enterprise By Scaling from 2-3 Deals a Month LOCALLY to 15-20 Deals a Month NATIONALLY… REGISTER NOW! – RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ My Free Book on Wholesaling – Flip2Freedom Podcast on Apple – Flip2Freedom Podcast on

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Presenting Offers VS Sending Offers

Someone asked me the other day, what can I do to close more deals over the phone? I asked them, “Are you presenting offers or are you sending offers?”. The worst part is… they don’t know the difference. So in this quick video, I am sharing the difference between the two. RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________

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Success is Inevitable

All right, I’m going to go real quick through this. So January letter is essentially how you pull goals toward you. So typically, people write a list of goals, and then they go after their goals. A January letter essentially is from legendary John Carlton. He’s a copywriter. He wrote a blog post, and I

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Success is Inevitable

I want you to believe in yourself. I want you to believe that success will come to you. And in this video, I share a few tips you can do to help that. I hope you enjoy it! RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ My Free Book on Wholesaling – Flip2Freedom Podcast on Apple –

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How to Cancel a Deal

  Hey guys, Sean Terry here. So I recently received the question on how to cancel a contract. So now you’re in contract with a seller and for some reason you can’t sell the property and you want to cancel. So I’m going to be answering that question right now. So if you could do

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How to Cancel a Deal

What do you do when you can’t find a buyer for your property? Well in this video you will learn how to cancel a deal and what is needed to properly move on from a property. I hope you enjoy!   RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ My Free Book on Wholesaling – Flip2Freedom Podcast on

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This is it! IT. IS. HERE! The 2020 Black Friday Super Sale is here and it is extraordinary. I would advise anyone at any level to seriously look at this incredible deal and take advantage to increase your business.   **GET INSTANT ACCESS TODAY BY CLICKING HERE** RESOURCES & LINKS: ____________________________________________ FreedomLogic – My

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How to Make $100K by 12/31/2020

We are quickly approaching the latter part of 2020 and decided to share “How to Make $100K by December 31, 2020” wholesaling houses virtually or in your back yard. It’s literally closing a couple of deals by the end of the year. I will share the most efficient and cost-effective way to get these deals done. RESOURCES &

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How to Get Back on Track

When I was a one-man show I would have moments where I would get lost or lose focus on the bigger picture. I would stop my direct mail or different marketing and my business would suffer. And as I’ve said before… I’ve made so many mistakes that I’d rather share with you everything so you

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Corey Peterson | Speaker Spotlight

Last week we went live on Facebook to talk with Corey Peterson, who will be speaking at Extreme Freedom 2019. Corey isn’t just another wholesaler. Corey is and has been creating “Generational Wealth” with apartment syndication. Imagine taking your knowledge and experience as a real estate wholesaler and implementing those systems and strategies with apartment

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Extreme Freedom 2019 is Here!!!!

  The time has come and I could NOT be more excited! EXTREME FREEDOM 2019 IS HERE!!! We have officially announced and opened tickets for this amazing event. If you’re unfamiliar with Extreme Freedom then you DEFINITELY have to check out the video. Tickets are already flying off the shelf, especially since we are trying

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