How to Become a Top Gun Wholesaling CEO in 2013
Want to become a truly respected and successful wholesaling CEO in 2013?
If it’s time to ramp up from solo real estate investor or even just being the head of a moderately successful seven figure business to being a business leader this year, here are 7 tips to ensure and propel your success…
1. Education
Just because you have been wildly successful in the last year, are making plenty of money and deals are flowing smoothly, it doesn’t mean that you can slack off. When you stop learning, you’ll start slipping. Have a plan to continually build and expand your knowledge and stay wired in to emerging trends.
2. Delegate Like a Dictator
Is your vision being a successful wholesaling CEO or a real business owner? It’s time to stop being the coffee boy or even top sales gun and delegate everything, by the absolutely highest level critical thinking and decision making.
3. Systematize
Many get frustrated when delegation fails and point to it as the reason they can’t afford to do it. Only the problem is often the way the wholesaling CEO is delegating. Barking orders is one thing. Creating systems, providing the tools and empowering team members to make decisions allows them to succeed at the tasks you dish out so that everyone wins.
4. Develop a Corporate Culture
It’s fun, gets your creative juices going, helps to keep the best staff and can go a long way to crafting a better and more productive workplace and brand.
5. Forge a Formidable Brand
If you want to be a hot shot, wheeling and dealing wholesaling CEO you have to shed the mom and pop mentality, image and structure to build a brilliant brand with a strong brand identity.
6. Recruit the Top Talent
Are you going to be the CEO of your own one man band or a rapidly growing, high revenue producing enterprise in the limelight? If it’s the latter, you’ll need the best talent you can possibly negotiate to take on to free you up and make you look better.
7. Tech
Truly embrace tech and use it to innovate and stay ahead of competition. During the last real estate boom, many real estate investors even shirked using email. Despite their IQs and skills at flipping houses and arranging creative financing or the availability of great software, they failed to use or incorporate it. Take the time to truly incorporate the best technology, develop new systems and use your innovative edge and streamlined operations to generate buzz, more net profit and stay ahead of the competition.
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