So You’re a Newbie…

Let’s get Started!

There is NOTHING like getting your first check…

When I first started, everyone told me this would never work. I heard things like…

“You can’t sell a house you don’t own” or “You’ll never be able to find any deals at a discount because all the professionals get those deals” or even worse, I had people tell me “You know this is illegal right?”

You’ll hear similar things and some people get discouraged and just quit.

I’m so glad you are here reading this because I want to encourage you to get started no matter what “nay sayers” happen to blurt out.

You CAN do this, You CAN find deep discount deals and sell them for huge profits and you CAN feel confident that this is a legitimate, legal business that you can grow into a thriving cash machine.


You have to get your first check, FIRST!

One of the most exciting, most exhilarating times of your life will be when you get your fist check. It will “shut up” all the “nay sayers” and give you an amazing boost of confidence.

I want that for you…

So below are some of the best podcast episodes mixed in with amazing success stories to educate you and inspire you to take the RIGHT actions toward getting your first check and many more there after.

Register HERE for My Free Online Web Class Where I will Show You the Embarrassingly SIMPLE SECRET that Empowered these Four Real Estate Investor “Rookies” to Make $35K in 3-Weeks, Close 16-Deals the 1st Month and Generate Over $100K a Month Consistently in Less than 18 Months…