F2F 064: Rock Star Interview: $100K a Month Virtual Wholesaling w/ Cris Chico

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Rock Star Interview with Virtual Wholesaling Expert Cris Chico @ CrisChico.com

In this episode I interview Cris Chico the master at virtual wholesaling.  Cris has made upwards to $100,000 a month flipping houses from the comfort of his home only using a laptop, cell phone and a fax.  In this exclusive interview he leaves no stone unturned on his exact process.  I get tons of questions from people that ask: “How to I flip houses in other markets?” or “What if I live in a small town, how do I invest in a larger market other than my own?”  Cris answers these questions and after listening you’ll realize that you can do deals ANYWHERE!

You’ll learn:

How Cris picks a hot market.

What data he looks at to determine a hot market and where he get’s this data.

How he sets up “shop” in the city of choice.

How he markets for sellers and buyers (great stuff).

How he signs the deal with the seller and opens escrow from afar.

How Cris sells the property fast to ready buyers and how he finds these buyers.

And much much more..

If you’d like to learn more from Cris you can visit his blog at: CrisChico.com

Have a Question? Please leave your question on my voice mail and I’ll answer it on the next show!


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