Discover How to Overcome 16 of the Hardest Objections You’ll Hear Every Day.
In this episode explain how to overcome the 14 hardest objections you’ll hear every single day when dealing with motivated sellers. First I explain why a seller might have an objection or use an objection like these in a negotiation process. Once you understand their mindset, it’s very easy to confidently and tenaciously overcome their objections in a gracious manner.
Here are the 16 Main Objections:
1. “I want to think about it”
2. “I want to sleep on it”
3. “I have several other investors the will be looking at the property”
4. “What makes you different from everyone else”
5. “If I can’t get this price, I’m not going to sell it”
6. “Your price is too low”
7. “Your price is too low, we’re not going to give it away” (x2)
8. “I have no place to go once I sell”
9. “I have to talk it over with my family member/wife/brother/sister/uncle.”
10. “I’m not sure I can sell it at that price”
11. “I’m not comfortable with the process/contract?”
12. “How do I know this isn’t a scam?”
13. “I’m not ready yet, it’s happening way to fast…”
14. “Here’s an appraisal I just had completed”
Hope this will make you more money!!!!
Boom Baby
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