Wholesaling Properties
This is a continuation of “3 Small Tweaks” Part 6…
Now not only do the sellers get put inside FreedomSoft, but we also get their name, their telephone number, and all their information about the property. We also get their email address and I put them in my email follow up sequence, which is an automatic email called an auto responder, that I set up one time and I can just add potential sellers all the time. Once we add them to this particular auto responder list, they’ll be emailed a book. The book will explain who I am in the company and basically what we do and how we do it. So it gives credibility, number one, and then it puts them in a one year long auto responder sequence. That means they’ll get an email 15 days later, they’ll get an email 15 days after that and then after that, they’ll get an email every month from me for the next 12 months for an entire year. In these emails I say, “Are you still selling? We’re looking for one more property, would you be interested in selling?” I have people call me all the time, they say, “I just got your email and we’re looking to sell. 5 months ago wasn’t the right time, but now we’re ready. What can you do?” “Let me look at the numbers, what’s your address again? okay, great.” It’s amazing because it’s on autopilot and it’s done. So I’ve got follow up by email, I’ve got follow up by having FreedomSoft with the calendar and calls coming in, and there’s just continuous contact. I can tell you this, if you really want to make it big in this business, that’s what it takes. Because those little tweaks are very simple things. It’s not like you have to go out and dig more ditches. All you’ve got to do is ask for an email address, put them in auto responder, and follow up. Make sure you have a follow up system that works, so that you can make those calls and talk to the sellers. When you do that, it will increase your deals dramatically. If you do 10 deals a year, his will help you can do 30 deals a year, using the same marketing and just tweaking these little things. That’s lead management.
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